Friday, November 27, 2009

It's that time again. The season when people rush around buying holiday gifts for friends and family. They're planning that special meal for the annual celebration. But what exactly are they celebrating?

Well, some say they're celebrating the winter solstice. Do they also celebrate the summer solstice with gifts and a special dinner? Not likely.

Some say they're celebrating the winter holidays. Which holiday, Thanksgiving and New Year? Isn't that a New Year's eve party. And Thanksgiving is already celebrated, third Thursday in November and only in the U.S.A. So what holiday is the winter holiday?

If you are celebrating December 25th you are celebrating Christmas, or the birth of the Christ, hence the reason for "CHRIST" in the name.

You are celebrating the one who came and died so you may live. You celebrate the birth of the
Son of God who was given to buy your release from Satan and eternal death. You are celebrating God's love for you that he cared so much he sent his only son to shed his blood in your place. You are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

So as you rush around from store to store, as you watch your family and friends open their gifts or while you open yours, and as you eat your holiday meal say thanks to the One who came over 2000 years ago for the greatest gift off all. Your salvation.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm All For Government Healthcare

Oh how could I have been so dumb? After seeing this video I've decided universal healthcare is the only way to go. Bring it on baby, I'm waiting.


I am obese, I exceed the 30 lbs that according to this video makes me obese and "one of the drivers of rising health care costs". So after considering my options I've decided that when government health care kicks in I'm getting that weight loss surgery I've been considering. It's for the good of the country you know, so why should I pay for it myself?

My knee has also been bothering me so maybe after the weight loss surgery I'll have the knee surgery done too...thinking about it I should get my teeth done since my 30 year old bridgework has discolored and is now causing me mental anguish since it really doesn't look very nice.

Yup after thinking about it I'm all for government health care.

Here's an idea maybe everyone should start making a list of their "necessary" medical procedures, I shouldn't be the only one enjoying the goodness of those forced to pay for it.

It'll be a wonderful beautiful new world.