Friday, November 27, 2009

It's that time again. The season when people rush around buying holiday gifts for friends and family. They're planning that special meal for the annual celebration. But what exactly are they celebrating?

Well, some say they're celebrating the winter solstice. Do they also celebrate the summer solstice with gifts and a special dinner? Not likely.

Some say they're celebrating the winter holidays. Which holiday, Thanksgiving and New Year? Isn't that a New Year's eve party. And Thanksgiving is already celebrated, third Thursday in November and only in the U.S.A. So what holiday is the winter holiday?

If you are celebrating December 25th you are celebrating Christmas, or the birth of the Christ, hence the reason for "CHRIST" in the name.

You are celebrating the one who came and died so you may live. You celebrate the birth of the
Son of God who was given to buy your release from Satan and eternal death. You are celebrating God's love for you that he cared so much he sent his only son to shed his blood in your place. You are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

So as you rush around from store to store, as you watch your family and friends open their gifts or while you open yours, and as you eat your holiday meal say thanks to the One who came over 2000 years ago for the greatest gift off all. Your salvation.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm All For Government Healthcare

Oh how could I have been so dumb? After seeing this video I've decided universal healthcare is the only way to go. Bring it on baby, I'm waiting.


I am obese, I exceed the 30 lbs that according to this video makes me obese and "one of the drivers of rising health care costs". So after considering my options I've decided that when government health care kicks in I'm getting that weight loss surgery I've been considering. It's for the good of the country you know, so why should I pay for it myself?

My knee has also been bothering me so maybe after the weight loss surgery I'll have the knee surgery done too...thinking about it I should get my teeth done since my 30 year old bridgework has discolored and is now causing me mental anguish since it really doesn't look very nice.

Yup after thinking about it I'm all for government health care.

Here's an idea maybe everyone should start making a list of their "necessary" medical procedures, I shouldn't be the only one enjoying the goodness of those forced to pay for it.

It'll be a wonderful beautiful new world.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Robert Reich: What An Honest President Would Say About Health Reform

Comment: So there you go. For all those people that are demonizing conservatives for standing in the way of their grand utopia while cheering for the greatness of government healthcare with their hands out for their share of the greatest government handout, one day you will become old or sick and than they'll come for you too.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I was going through some past posts over on my fandom journal and found this post I'd written on 11/4/2008. I thought I'd repost it here.

The Downfall of a Country

A political thriller

When freshman Senator Maracb Kaboa quickly raises to the top of the political heap snagging the nomination for President of the United States from the grasp of the favored politician few people question his political success. With his minimal history in both state and national politics his political intent is hard to examine and his goals unknown.

One by one Senator Kaboa's associations are revealed including domestic terrorists with the goal of causing the destruction of the country from the inside out, racist ministers and a Communist mentor. The country reacts with scarcely a nod. Slowly his intent of carrying on the work of a long time associate becomes clear; to destroy the infrastructure of the country and bring down one of the greatest nations.

Just days before the election, news that he plans to bankrupt the foundation of a major utility and cause skyrocketing costs, tax businesses out of existence, and redistribute the nation's income it becomes increasingly clear the country is in grave danger. With the mainstream media playing deaf, dumb, and blind to each jaw dropping revelation the majority of the electorate are mindlessly brainwashed into complacency and the indoctrination of his beliefs.

Fighting to stop the runaway train those that were able to overcome his continually broadcast subliminal messages of hope and change work to stop the complete downfall of the country before it's to late.

This is one novel I know will never written.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Video: Global Warming OR Global Governanace! / 1 Of 8

Global Warming OR Global Governanace! / 1 Of 8

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Twitter Quote of the Day

Today's quote comes from @pir8gold: Warning to Nigerians- if you get any emails from Washington asking for money, it's a scam.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

United Airlines Descriminates Against Overweight Passengers

United To Charge Heavier Passengers Twice To Fly

Those unable to comfortably fasten a safety belt with one extension or
sit comfortably with armrests down will be denied boarding unless they
purchase an extra seat, even if they can be placed elsewhere in the
aircraft next to an empty seat.

The last acceptable discrimination.

Really, what would happen if airlines started charging people in
wheelchairs, blind or other handicapped people? Why is it acceptable to
over charge fat people?

My first thought was I'll just boycott United, but sadly that's not the only airline that discriminates against overweight fliers.

Airline making heavyset flyers buy extra seat
Southwest is not the only major airline with a large-seating policy. US
Airways, Northwest Airlines and America West Airlines all can require
an overweight passenger to pay for two seats but said they do
everything they can to find a pair of empty adjoining seats on the
plane at no additional charge. Midwest Connect, which serves Pittsburgh
from Milwaukee, requires that passengers unable to fit in one seat buy
two; if there are other seats available on the same flight, they will
be refunded for the second.

And just in case people get it into their heads that it's just the airline company that wants to discriminate remember that normal weighted people hate the overweight in todays society of majority rule

Fat flyers may face higher fare
Around 40 per cent of the 45,000 people who have voted to date want Ryanair to
slap a charge on overweight customers based on their body mass index.

I wasn't able to find the article, but just recently an overweight person was charged for the two seats that the airline said was necessary...the two seats weren't next to each other.