Wednesday, February 11, 2009

NLP Hypnosis Techniques in Obama Speeches?

During the campaign run up to the election I was amazed at the way people were going crazy over Obama to the point of losing reason. They were willing to overlook everything that was brought up from his Socialist tendencies to his talk of bankrupting the coal industry (which would result in astronomical utility bills). Nothing could phase the Obamatrons. While people called it "drinking the kool-aid" I joked to family and friends that with repeated use of "hope" and "change"  in Obama's speeches there had to be some type of subliminal messaging, brainwashing or hynosis technique going  at his rallies and in his commercials.

Than I'd feel foolish and begin to worry if I'd soon start wearing a tin hat.

Today I find the proof I was looking for

Is Obama Using NLP Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches?

I also found a pdf file titled:
Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches

The document contains over 60 pages proving Obama's use of deceptive and maipulative techniques of unsuspecting Americans.

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